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Color Europe paper cut to size

Color Europe paper cut to size
  • Cena za 1 szt  złbez podatku VAT i wkładu ekologicznego
Oczekiwany czas dostawy: 14 dni
Typ mediów

Beskrivelse af Color Europe paper cut to size

  • Uniquely, we can now offer you much of our own high-quality Color Europe paper cut to size. This means that if you have a high consumption of paper in your printer production, you will be able to cut your costs a lot as you can avoid large amounts of waste, while at the same time you can streamline the work process as you can minimize the cutting work. This solution also allows you to be greener in your production as you choose paper based on where you can leave the least amount of waste, which you do with rolls cut to size.

    We know that several of our customers usually set their printer to print overnight, we have thus made sure to maximise the length of the roll so you can get the most out of the printer and time overnight and during the day. Of course, this also means that you will have less paper changes during production.

    How to

    If you would like to order any of our high quality photo or poster
    paper, simply follow the steps below.

    1. Select the paper type
    2. Enter the desired width
    3. Select the desired quantity.

    Paper types

    - Photo Luster 260 grams - Photo paper
    - Poster paper 230 grams - High quality matte poster paper
    - Matt Coated 180 grams - Matte paper for e.g. posters
    - Semi Gloss 190 grams - Glossy paper for e.g. posters and photos

    If you are interested in seeing the quality and surface of the paper we recommend ordering one of our Color Europe sample fanfolds.
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