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Calibrite ColorChecker Video XL w/CS

Calibrite ColorChecker Video XL w/CS
  • Nr artykułu: 95918 - Nr dostawcy: CCVPR-XL-CS
  • Calibrite
  • Cena za 1 szt2.360,00  złbez podatku VAT i wkładu ekologicznego
Oczekiwany czas dostawy: 5 dni

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Opis produktu Calibrite ColorChecker Video XL w/CS

  • ColorChecker Video XL:
    The Calibrite ColorChecker Video XL provides an extra-large format for effortlessly capturing the target at greater distances and wider angles. It provides the same chromatic colours, skin tones and gray reference chips of the standard size ColorChecker Video, but twice as large. You’ll be able to eliminate the need to move your camera closer or adjust the focal length of your lens, shoot in the same lighting condition that is falling on your subject and minimise colour casting from any surrounding light. You’ll also be able to increase the capture resolution for more accurate post-production work.
    The Calibrite ColorChecker Video XL is designed for those longer and wider shots when the space between your camera and subject is too great to capture a smaller target.

    Ideal for large production environments such as:
    Cine Wide Shots: Landscape, Cityscape, Custom Sets
    Event Filmmaking: Concerts, Churches, Sports, Stage
    Aerial Filmmaking: Drones

    Using a ColorChecker Video XL target at capture gets you to a worry-free, colour balanced, consistently neutral and ideally exposed place faster than ever before. It’s an essential colour tool you won’t want to be without, saving you valuable time from pre-production through post.
    ColorChecker Video XL is an extra-large all-in-one durable and rigid video target. The target is available by itself or with two forms of added protection; your choice of a simple carry sleeve or a fully configurable carrying case.

    ColorChecker XL Case:
    This rugged black portable case for the ColorChecker XL provides the ultimate durability and protection for your chart when stored or out on a shoot. The case features a black polyester exterior and soft tricot interior for complete protection of your chart.
    Features include:
    • Black polyester exterior and soft tricot interior
    • Elastic straps in corners keep target secure
    • Lie flat or self-standing
    • Carry handle can easily be used to attach to c-stand or clamp
    • Carry strap is shoulder length and ideal for transporting
    • Zippered back pocket for storage
    • The size of the case is 578 x 483mm ColorChecker Video charts make your workflow faster, more consistent and more colour balanced. They allow everyone on your team – from producer to cinematographer to editor to colourist – to work with consistent colour information. They save you time, from pre-production through production, and help you get to your creative look faster.
    Achieving the proper colour balance and exposure for video can be challenging. F-stops in cameras don’t always match. Ambient lighting conditions change. Multiple cameras and lenses have different looks, even if they are the same brand and model. All of this adds up to quality control challenges and increased workload in post-production for your colourist or editor. Here’s what ColorChecker Video offers:

    Video Colour Target
    Speed up your colour grading workflow by achieving ideal exposure and colour balance, whether shooting with one camera or multiples. The colour chart includes a series of chromatic colour chips, skin tone chips, gray chips and illumination check chips. The layout is designed for ideal performance when used with vectorscopes and waveforms, whether on camera or in software.
    Chromatic Colours: two rows of six chromatic colour chips, both saturated and desaturated, specifically designed to align with the colour axis on a vectorscope. These colours provide two levels of colour information to more quickly achieve an ideal colour balance.
    Skin Tones: ranging from light to dark with subtle undertones to better reproduce accurate flesh tones. This row of chips is positioned on the outer edge of the target for easy alignment.
    Large Gray Levels: four larger steps for even gray balance, including white, 40IRE gray, deep gray and high gloss black. These levels are ideal for determining proper exposure whether you use a waveform, zebras, or false colours. Use these levels to align the exposure and contrast of cameras you are matching and ensure that mid-tones are rendered accurately. These chips are positioned in the centre of the test target for maximum exposure, even on a wide set.
    Linear Grayscale: six colour chips for achieving even gray balance. This row addresses highlight and shadow regions.
    Illumination Check Chips: black and white chips at two corners to better assist in determining even illumination across the target
    3rd Party Software Support
    ColorChecker Video is supported by 3rd party software solutions for improved colour grading and efficiencies.
    DaVinci Resolve
    3DLUT Creator
  • Specification

    Number of Targets: 1
    Number of Colour Patches: 32
    Target Size: 533 x 375mm
    Sleeve Size: 578 x 483mm

Czas dostawy

Jeśli chodzi o czas dostawy w Europie, czas wysyłki zależy od kraju docelowego.
Aby znaleźć czas dostawy do Twojego kraju, zapoznaj się z poniższą listą.
Dotyczy to tylko produktów dostępnych na magazynie.

Austria - 3 dni robocze
Belgia - 2 dni robocze
Bułgaria - 5-6 dni roboczych
Chorwacja - 4 dni robocze
Czechy - 2 dni robocze
Estonia - 5-7 dni roboczych
Finlandia - 3-5 dni roboczych
Francja - 2-3 dni robocze
Niemcy - 4-5 dni roboczych
Węgry - 2 dni robocze
Irlandia - 3-4 dni robocze
Włochy - 3-5 dni roboczych
Litwa - 4-5 dni roboczych
Luksemburg - 2 dni robocze
Łotwa - 5-6 dni roboczych
Holandia - 2 dni robocze
Północna Irlandia - 2-3 dni robocze
Polska - 3 dni robocze
Portugalia - 4-5 dni roboczych
Rumunia - 4 dni robocze
Szkocja - 3 dni robocze
Słowacja - 2-3 dni robocze
Słowenia - 3 dni robocze
Hiszpania - 3 dni robocze

Aktualny status magazynowy oraz przewidywany czas dostawy produktu można znaleźć tuż nad przyciskiem „Dodaj do koszyka”.
Uwaga: Dostawa z magazynu zewnętrznego może potrwać 1-3 dodatkowe dni.


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Dostawy na terenie Europy

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Dostawy biznesowe (B2B)

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  • Paczka biznesowa z dostawą między godziną 8-16 na adres.

Dostawy prywatne

Dla klientów indywidualnych oferujemy:
  • Paczka prywatna z dostawą: Twoja paczka zostanie dostarczona między godziną 8-16 na wskazany adres.
    W niektórych krajach paczka zostanie dostarczona do punktu odbioru, jeśli nie będzie Cię w domu lub jako standardowa opcja.

Transport paletowy.

Jeśli Twoje zamówienie jest zbyt duże lub produkt zajmuje zbyt dużo miejsca, aby można było wysłać je jako zwykłą paczkę, zamówienie zostanie wysłane na paletach. Dotyczy to zwykle dużych drukarek lub zamówień zawierających wiele rolek papieru.
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