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Calibrite ColorChecker Passport Photo 2

Calibrite ColorChecker Passport Photo 2
  • Nr artykułu: 95900 - Nr dostawcy: CCPP2
  • Calibrite
  • Cena za 1 szt410,00  złbez podatku VAT i wkładu ekologicznego
Oczekiwany czas dostawy: 2 dni

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Opis produktu Calibrite ColorChecker Passport Photo 2

  • ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 is ideal for any photographer looking for accurate and consistent colour and creative flexibility. The combination of targets and camera calibration software combined with your choice of Lightroom®, Photoshop®, CaptureOne® or Canon® DPP, delivers the most professional quality colour control possible.

    Passport Photo 2 combines four photographic targets into one pocket-size protective case that adjusts to any scene. Together with the included Camera Calibration software and Lightroom Plug-In, you get the ultimate functionality, flexibility and portability for a more perfect colour journey.

    Measuring only 125 x 90mm, the pocket sized Passport Photo 2 can be taken anywhere ready for any photographic situation that comes your way.

    ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 includes:
    Grey Balance Target
    Set exposure with an in-camera or handheld meter.

    White Balance Target
    Create custom in-camera white balance for a consistent white point across a set of images, with no need to correct each image later.

    Classic Target
    Industry standard 24-patch colour reference target for creating custom camera profiles and for visual colour assessments.

    Creative Enhancement Target
    Neutralise and create your look with enhancement patches.
    Check and evaluate shadow details and highlight clipping.
    Control colour shifts.

    Camera Calibration Software
    Create custom camera profiles based on your individual camera/lens/lighting combinations for both DNG and ICC workflows.

    Lightroom® Plug-In
    Create custom camera profiles directly in Adobe® Lightroom®.

    Portable Protective Case
    Adjusts to accommodate multiple positions so that you can easily incorporate the target(s) into any scene. Also, it includes a handy lanyard so that your Passport is always close by.

    3rd Party Software Support
    Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom via free plugin
    Hasselblad Phocus
    Black Magic DaVinci Resolve
    3D LUT Creator
    DxO Photolab 4 ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 is an indispensable tool that helps you to capture the colours of the world more perfectly and ensures that from capture to edit, you are beginning with the most accurate image possible.
    The art of colour management is all about getting your colours to match from input to output. That means your camera captures true colours, your monitor displays them accurately, and your printer produces a photo that matches what you see on screen.
    ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 is an essential component for your colour-managed workflow. It includes 4 targets giving you everything you need for exposure control, white balance, camera profiling and creative enhancements wherever your creativity leads you.

    Grey Balance Target
    18% grey is the industry standard reference used to produce consistent image exposure and/or colour in film and photography. Use it with a reflective light meter or your in-camera meter to check lighting ratios and light distribution. Plus, it can be used to neutral balance and remove colour casts.
    • Set proper camera exposure
    • Check lighting ratios; important for portrait photography
    • Alternate choice for custom neutral balancing of your camera

    White Balance Target
    Starting with an accurate white balance ensures that the colours you capture are true and provides a point of reference for post-shoot editing. This target is created to exacting standards to be spectrally neutral and reflect light equally across the visible spectrum. This provides a neutral reference point to accurately compensate for different lighting conditions.
    • Eliminate colour casts
    • Improve the colour preview on camera display
    • Speed up post-production – eliminate the need to neutralise each image separately
    Raw shooters can capture this target anytime during the session.
    JPEG shooters should make it their first shot.

    "Why can’t I use just any white object?"
    White balancing with a piece of paper or other grey element in the scene may seem like a simple workaround, but most objects are not actually neutral under all lighting conditions; and they’re certainly not consistent.
    An inaccurate white balance results in colour casts and a lack of consistency as lighting conditions change. This can slow down your post-processing as you attempt to fix the resulting colour casts.

    Classic Target
    Photographing the industry-standard ColorChecker Classic is an important step in attaining consistent, predictable colour at capture. When combined with the Camera Calibration Software, you can produce custom DNG and/or ICC profiles of your camera’s response to scene lighting for consistent, predictable and repeatable results from image to image and camera to camera.
    The Classic target also provides a visual point of colour reference so that you can see exactly how colour corrections will affect the rest of your colours before you apply them. Each of the 24 colour patches represents the colours of natural objects, such as sky blue, skin tones and leaf green; and each patch reflects light just like its real-world counterpart. Each square is individually coloured using a solid tone to produce pure, flat, rich colour without dots or mixed tints.

    ColorChecker Classic target is also supported by these 3rd party software solutions:
    Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom via a free plugin
    Hasselblad Phocus
    Black Magic DaVinci Resolve
    3D LUT Creator
    DxO Photolab 4

    Creative Enhancement Target
    The Creative Enhancement Target adds a higher level of colour creativity and control to your workflow. It includes four rows of colour patches designed for image editing that can be instantly applied with just the click of an eyedropper.
    Two rows of warming and cooling patches in the middle serve as a creative guide for you to create pleasing and repeatable edits. Creatively refine the colour of your image by adding warmth to skin tones or boost the deep greens or blues in a landscape. Simply click and sync your selection to other images that were shot under that same lighting to create pleasing edits – it’s that simple!
    A row of clipping patches across the bottom serve as a visual reference for judging, controlling and editing images for shadow details or highlight clipping. The clipping patches are separated into two groups: light and dark. Each patch is 1/3 F-stop difference between them with the exception of the last black patch. The exposure difference between the darkest and next darkest patch is approximately 1/10th of a stop, and the dynamic range of the target is about 32:1 (5 stops).
    The top HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) row includes 8 spectrum patches to ensure colour fidelity across all hues so that you can evaluate and edit for any colour shifts.

    Camera Calibration Software
    Create both custom DNG and/or ICC camera profiles using the industry standard 24-patch ColorChecker Classic Target or the ColorChecker Digital SG Target together with either the stand-alone ColorChecker Camera Calibration software or the Adobe Lightroom® Plug-In.
    This advanced camera profiling technology provides excellent results with either reference target, producing profiles that work exceptionally well under virtually any lighting condition. Auto-detection will locate the target automatically making the profile creation process a breeze. Whether you are shooting with just one camera or multiple cameras, colour perfectionists can easily establish an accurate colour foundation and maintain control of their colours.
    • Minimise colour differences between cameras and lenses
    • Adapt for mixed lighting
    • Match colour balance across different scenes

    Dual-Illuminant DNG Profiles
    A dual-illuminant profile combines images taken under two different light sources to create a single profile, which can be applied to an even wider variety of lighting conditions. Dual-Illuminant profiles can be made with any two of twenty-one supported illuminants, giving you the freedom to move between most lighting conditions without switching profiles.

    Passport Case
    ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 was designed for absolute convenience and portability, so that you can take it with you to every shoot. The travel-sized case is made of a rugged plastic material that houses and protects the four targets from the elements and extends their lifespan.
    The self-standing Passport case adjusts to multiple positions, allowing you the flexibility to place the targets exactly where you need them. Plus, the included lanyard ensures your Passport is close at hand during every photo shoot.
  • Specification

    Number of Targets: 4
    Number of Colour Patches: 52
    Target Size: 109.0 x 63.5mm
    Size of Passport: 125 x 90mm

Czas dostawy

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Aby znaleźć czas dostawy do Twojego kraju, zapoznaj się z poniższą listą.
Dotyczy to tylko produktów dostępnych na magazynie.

Austria - 3 dni robocze
Belgia - 2 dni robocze
Bułgaria - 5-6 dni roboczych
Chorwacja - 4 dni robocze
Czechy - 2 dni robocze
Estonia - 5-7 dni roboczych
Finlandia - 3-5 dni roboczych
Francja - 2-3 dni robocze
Niemcy - 4-5 dni roboczych
Węgry - 2 dni robocze
Irlandia - 3-4 dni robocze
Włochy - 3-5 dni roboczych
Litwa - 4-5 dni roboczych
Luksemburg - 2 dni robocze
Łotwa - 5-6 dni roboczych
Holandia - 2 dni robocze
Północna Irlandia - 2-3 dni robocze
Polska - 3 dni robocze
Portugalia - 4-5 dni roboczych
Rumunia - 4 dni robocze
Szkocja - 3 dni robocze
Słowacja - 2-3 dni robocze
Słowenia - 3 dni robocze
Hiszpania - 3 dni robocze

Aktualny status magazynowy oraz przewidywany czas dostawy produktu można znaleźć tuż nad przyciskiem „Dodaj do koszyka”.
Uwaga: Dostawa z magazynu zewnętrznego może potrwać 1-3 dodatkowe dni.


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